Monday, May 5, 2014

Bohan Innovations

I have started a campaign to raise funds for a start up where I will develop products that are my creations. Please check it out here:

Campaign Bohan Innovations 

Friday, October 11, 2013

Food Production

The other day my girls were watching their shows and among the commercials was a feel good segment about a teacher in New York. The teacher had a program where he was teaching his students to grow their own gardens even in an urban environment. At one point it showed he had plants growing on a wall. That is an application that needs to be expanded upon. 

Whether it be urban settings or stark settings where growing crops is near impossible a new generation of green houses should spring up. Large warehouse sized green houses where rather than depend on the mere square footage there would be wall after wall of double sided food production. The walls should also be raised and lowered as needed to tend to the plants and harvest the bounty. Fruits, vegetables, grains and nuts could be providing nutrition to the needy locals.

That is one idea.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

From vision to reality

I have decided to start a business where I can start creating some of the products I've designed. If you are interesting in assisting getting it off the ground please visit the site below:

business funding

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Cosmic Thought

Where do ideas come from? The brain is amazing and capable of many things. We have the ability to store away memories and recall them days, months and years later. Doing calculations and problem solving allow us to access the analytical side of our brain. Other times we express out creative side through art, music and many expressions of the word from poetry to literature. Yet where do those "AHA" out of left field thoughts come from?

I propose that the brain is also a receiver. I believe that there is an energy that flows all around us on a similar principal to wi-fi that is a treasure trove of universal information. The brain has the ability to pick up or receive that energy. 

It is common for a person when they have something to think about to say they will sleep on it. Many people like to keep a pen and paper by where they sleep to write down the ideas that come to them as they sleep. It is while in that altered state of consciousness that people are better able to tune into the energy and access its resources. Most don't realize they are doing it. There are others that have honed that ability and are able to focus their minds to have greater access. Over the years I believe Socrates, Leonardo da Vinci, Albert Einstein and Steve Jobs all had that ability. All were reported to meditate and spends much time alone in their minds. 

I also believe flowing within the energy is documentation of all history past and future. While asleep people sometimes get glimpses of future events and when they happen while awake they have a deja vu moment. Again over the years there have been people that could focus their efforts to access this aspect of the energy. The Greek Oracles at Delphi, Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce were among those who accessed the energy for that purpose.

There may be some people whose brains are hardwired so that they are accessing the energy at all times. The over stimulation may impede their ability to focus on the normal and they become lost in their minds. Labels to explain this may run from schizophrenia to autism. A person may have trouble distinguishing where their reality base is if their mind is influenced by both sides.

The source of the energy would answer some important questions. If it occurs naturally then it would be religious in origin. But if the energy is being transmitted then it raises the questions as to by whom and from where? 

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Global Warming

Global warming is obviously a serious problem and it is laughable the approach taken to "resolve" the issue. When it was discovered decades ago that the ozone layer had a hole the solution was to enact practices to let the hole heal itself naturally. I am not a fan of the mindset that if you want shade that you should plant an acorn and wait twenty years.

It is not difficult or expensive to produce machines that produce ozone. The United States and every other space capable nation should be launching missions every week to place dozens or hundreds or thousands of ozone producing machines in orbit to taking a more direct approach to patching the ozone layer. 

If the situation gets more dire and the UV damage becomes more threatening a more drastic approach might be considered. I believe a controlled nuclear winter is a possibility. Detonations at the North and South Poles could be calculated to shelter the skies in the northern and southern latitudes stretching several miles from the Poles.

Those are a couple ideas.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Flood Control

A couple years ago the flooding did quite a bit of damage through out the country. I've come up with a few ideas on the subject.

First a gelatin could be applied along the sides of the river to provide a buffer to the banks. This would help channel the river and keeping in on course by keeping the water contained. That would be the first phase approach for initial flooding.

Second would be large metal barriers dropped along the banks that are super heated. The flood would be minimized because the water would be converted to steam. Part of the steam could be routed back to continue providing the power to heat the metal. 

Third for more extreme flooding an improvement on the sand bagging system would be necessary. Large water permeable casings would quickly be filled with a cement foam that would harden and increase its mass and weight as the water mixed with it. They could be put in place by bulldozers or by workers in exoskeleton suits.

Those are a few ideas.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Teachers Tax Free

Teachers should be allowed to live tax free. They are grossly under paid and it would be a well deserved perk of the position. There are those that would state that the tax revenue lost by such a move would be devastating. The taxation system is out dated as well as our current monetary system but those are topics for another day. The military are allowed tax advantages for protecting our borders and interests around the world. Teachers should be rewarded for building the foundation for our future by preparing and challenging young minds. Their focus should be on teaching rather than trying to make ends meet. While there is an income tax they shouldn't have to pay it. They shouldn't have to pay property taxes. They should be offered friendly financing for housing and transportation. This would help entice more people to the teaching field. Too many shy away just because of the monetary concerns. In return the teachers should be held to strict performance based standards. The United States has fallen far behind the rest of the world in too many subjects and it is our teachers that have to lead our children on the way back.